How To Reset Wordpress To Default Settings

Wordpress is an open source content management system which work on PHP or MySQL. Wordpress is a blogging and website management system which provide the plugin features to allow the user to extend the features of website. Wordpress become largest self hosted blogging tool in the world that allows the user to change the functionality of the website.

If you are testing new plugins and themes then you need to reset your website. One way to reset Wordpress is delete your installation and reinstall it again on your device but it is time consuming process. Another approach to reset your wordpress with wordpress database reset.

Process to WordPress reset to its default settings

You can reset your Wordpress in many ways. There are various plugins which are designed to reset your Wordpress without reinstalling it from your device. You can reset your wordpress by using one of the below mentioned process. You may also call on Wordpress Technical Support Phone Number for the guidance.

Reset using wordpress database reset: It allows you to reset your wordpress website’s database to its default settings. Database holds all the information of your website so when you reset your database reset, your website delete all the customization you have made. Go to the plugin and click on add new to add new plugin. Now install it then activate and then go to the to tools section and click on Database reset. If you want to reset your entire website then click on Select all. It will reset your website to its factory version.
Reset using wordpress reset plugin: It is a simple plugin which allow you to reset all your website’s content including posts, custom changes, pages and dummy content.
Reset using advanced wordpress reset plugin: It install a fresh version of Wordpress without reinstalling the old version. It modify your database without deleting any files.
Reset using Reset WP plugin: it deletes all custom changes and content on your website  and restore your website to its default installation settings.
Resetting your wordpress is an easy task and you can reset your website to its default settings by using any of the above mentioned approach. If you want to reset your wordpress automatically over a period of time then you can use one of the free plugin in the WordPress repository. If you still not able to reset your Wordpress after following the mentioned process then you need to call on Wordpress Toll Free Number for help.
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